Johnny Drama Alves L-R: Candido Bretto, Johnny Robbins, Janelle Snarsky, Teddy Mathews, Elizabeth Alves, Larry Thomas L-R: Johnny Robbins, Elizabeth Alves, Teddy Mathews, Candido Bretto L-R: Janelle Snarsky, Candido Bretto, Elizabeth Alves, Samuel Salgado, Johnny Drama Alves Johnny Robbins L-R: Samuel Salgado, Janelle Snarsky, Larry Thomas, Sergio Galindo, Candido Bretto Johnny Drama Alves gets Funky! Janelle Snarsky and Candido Bretto L-R: Larry Thomas John Allmark, Patrick Nigro, Johnny Drama Alves, Elizabeth Alves L-R: John Allmark, Patrick Nigro, Samuel Salgado, Johnny Drama Alves, Elizabeth Alves, Larry Thomas, Teddy Mathews, Janelle Snarsky Johnny Robbins Larry Thomas Johnny Robbins and Candido Bretto L-R: Elizabeth Alves, Larry Thomas, Johnny Drama Alves, Janelle Snarsky, Candido Bretto, David (Pookie) Cole Johnny Drama Alves Candido Bretto L-R: Elizabeth Alves, Chris Nemitz, Johnny Drama Alves, Janelle Snarsky, David (Pookie) Cole L-R: Sergio Galindo, Joel Andrews, Candido Bretto, Elizabeth Alves, Johnny Drama Alves, Janelle Snarsky, Larry Thomas, David (Pookie) Cole, Samuel Salgado